Thursday, February 26, 2009

Remembering a time when.......

Today on the way home from school, Maya would not stop crying over a ball that belonged to Giles but that she wanted. We were in the car and it is very small with 5 kids and me in it. I asked her to calm down about 5 times and then pulled off the side of the road and asked her if she wanted to walk the rest of the way home. (I know some of you must think that pretty harsh but we live in the country and we were not far from home) she walks on these country roads often. As I said it, both Cyrus and I looked at each other because we both remembered a time when Loughlin decided to walk home rather than ride in the car with 'HIS FAMILY'. He was mad at his brother and probably at me too. He walked a little ways while I took the other kids home and then turned to go and pick him up. He was upset when I got to him because he had lost a picture that a very cute girl at the school had given him when he got out of the car. It was getting dark and the sun was just going down behind the butte. I told him to get in and we turned around and went to look for the picture. In just a short time we found his treasure and all was forgiven. I kept his secret about the crush. I loved those times with him, just me and him. He was so sweet when no one was watching and so proper when they were. Memories such as that are bitter sweet. I love to remember but wish I did not have to.

1 comment:

Angela said...

My heart aches for your family. We too are recent to this journey of not having all of us on earth. We lost our little boy this summer to a drowning accident. I read many of your posts and I just want you to know that I can say ditto! This is a hard journey to be on...even with the gospel. Your family is beautiful and my heart is with you.
(Evan from Heaven's mom)