Saturday, May 16, 2015

Maya is 15

Maya 6 months

Miss Maya turned 15. I could spend the day bragging about her. She is sweet and kind. She is popular and sassy. She is beautiful and smart. (and she is winning the battle with her TBI) She is pitching this year for softball and can I say Ouch? I was umping behind her plate in practice and a gal ticked the ball which came back and hit me in the boob. I have a bruise as big as the softball. I wake up when I roll over on my side it hurts so bad. But back to the beauty queen, She has a lovely voice and is my helper in the house. I love her so much. Look at her, her smile brightens the day of anyone that comes in contact with her. I wish I had her talents!

Maya 14 1/2 years.

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