Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Great Discovery!

Today, as I was waiting to talk to one of my professors and messing with my phone, I made a great discovery. When I first started texting my messages went into the SMS folder instead of my text folder. I had forgot about that but today I opened it. There were 8 test messages from Loughlin. What a gift. Some were from when we were at Lagoon. What a fun trip that was. I am so glad now we decided to go. Things were so hectic then but I got Harlen to go anyway. Those memories will never happen again but they are embedded in my mind. Loughlin loved it. He used to be so scared of those rides but this time he was the ring leader. He even got me to go on the "Wicked". Crazy! That was one of the greatest times we had as a family. Little treasures, like those messages, are what I have left of my son. They help me remember and carry on.

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