Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Please comment

 I haven't been checking my comments for s long time, but i would love to hear your input.

1 comment:

Karli Cleaver said...

Hi friend, I haven’t read for a long time, but saw you posted on FB and checked in. Wanted to say about your last post- YES! Those little tender mercies are not coincidence-they are Harlen, and Jesus, and a loving Heavenly Father showing you they are so aware of you. They are in this with you. Way back in June I hit a slump where I was having a hard time seeing and recognizing light. I started a note on my phone titled, “what was the gift in today?” Each night I would think of any or all things I’d recognized that day that were blessings or gifts. It was unreal how many I saw when I started looking. Did hard days still happen? Yes. But when I’m looking, it seems I’m given greater vision and clarity to see the tiny things that are really large gifts because they remind me I am known.
Fiercely praying for you to feel peace and comfort and the presence of your sweet angels-here and beyond the veil-as you navigate this grief and look for the gifts.
I love you. 💜