Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dressed to KILL

"Judge not", "Don't judge a book by it's cover","It's not what's on the outside that matters but what is on the inside"!"When we judge others we leave no room to love them."Mother Teresa. "Judge not on appearance"

I was unpleasantly surprised last night when I had to keep telling my daughter that outside appearances do not count as she was listening to someone tell her her over and over that it does. There are things in life so much more important than being dressed to kill day in and day out. I remember a talk once given in General Conference about an apostle riding home on the subway one day and a father and his unruly unkempt children rode next to him. People were talking about them being so bad. The father then said forgive my children for we just came from the hospital where their mom had just passed away. I think judging people by their outside appearance is so very dangerous. That women in sweats at Walmart might have just ran to pick up a prescription for their child who has been sick for weeks. She might have had no sleep. She might not have money to buy clothes any better than that. She might have dragged herself out of bed to buy groceries for her family even though every inch of her begged her not to go. I have been there and if I cared what you thought I would be angry for myself but I am just angry that you put such nonsense in young minds.How do you know who these women are?What they have been through? How much it takes to keep them going in this life? Seems such a petty thing to judge someone on. High yellow heels just don't work for some. So Maya remember it is always what is on the inside that matters!!! Love you so much

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