Monday, September 21, 2009

The sophomore class paying tribute to Loughlin's memory

Friday was a hard day but it was nice to see how many of Loughlin's came to the football game to pay tribute to his memory. I thought being there would be really hard but it was actually the best part of the day. We also took the family to eat at Red Lobster, Loughlin's favorite. When Loughlin was baptized, in his spotlight they asked where their favorite place to eat was, Loughlin said Red Lobster. We had only gone there maybe once or twice in his life so it was quite funny and you could hear a chuckle from the congregation because the other kids who were baptized at the time said places like McDonald's or Burger King. Anyway the day went better than I had expected.

I miss my son with every breath I take. Happy 16th Birthday my fine young man. I love you.........


Anonymous said...

So glad you got a video of that, Kenda!
I'm glad it was a bright spot in your day, it was in ours, too. Thanks for letting the kids do was good for all of them.
Love you...Tami & fam

Grandma Brenda said...

Thank you sooo much for sharing the video with us!! I was sick and couldn't be at the game - what a touching moment, and what a tribute to Loughlin and your family. You all have made a huge impact on our community, and you still inspire me with your desire to raise a righteous family, filled with love and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I know that "tomorrow" can't come quick enough for you for many reasons - but I pray that you all can cherish the happy moments you create now, for I know that Loughlin is a part of them, if only in spirit. He is cheering you on every day - and so are we!!! Love you much!

Love my babes said...

Kenda, We weren't able to make it to the game that night. But you and your family were not far from our minds and hearts. That was a wonderful tribute and such a great reminder of how loved your precious Loughlin is. Love,Amy

Amy Poulson said...

What a sweet tribute to Loughlin. That says a lot about who he is and the impact he had on others. We love you, Kenda. Hang in there. And tell your professor your dog ate your homework if you have to.



Crystal Eldredge said...

Dear Kenda,

My heart is broken for you. I am so sorry for your losses. I lost my son Sage 6 months ago to SIDS. He was 8 months old. You are living my greatest loose another child. I have no words of comfort because, I know there are no words. I just wanted to tell you I love you dear sweet Sister and thank you for sharing your story.

Crystal Eldredge said...
My little blog about Sage
our family blog

Anonymous said...