Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Sweetest Gift on Earth

What can I say? Being a Grammy is the greatest thing on Earth. I thought that having my own kids, each of them was the greatest event to happen in my life. All seven of them were completely amazing, but on January 24th, 2020 our little August was born. He was a whopping 8lbs 14oz. He made it into this world via c-section. It was such a beautiful and sacred experience to be in the room with McKayla while she labored, The heavens felt like they had opened and the spirits were all around. We love this new little grandson more than anything in the world. He is the brightest spot in our universe.

He is now 2 weeks old and he is so beautiful and sweet. Like Frank on Everybody Loves Raymond I just breathe in life. I love him.

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