Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just One More Day

I often wonder what I'd tell you if I was given one more day.
One more moment together here on Earth; what would I choose to say?
I think I'd spend those hours just holding your sweet hand,
And together we'd remember life, since the day that yours began.
I'd want to get across to you the pride I feel inside,
And how each year those feelings grew as like the ocean tide.
I'd love to take you fishing hoping you caught the biggest one.
I'd spend that day just sitting close until the setting sun.
I'd tell you just how sorry I feel for sometimes being cruel,
And if I had another chance I'd always follow that golden rule.
God placed you in my loving arms and at times I just forgot,
To look to Him for guidance in all the things you sought.
I just ignored that truth, that we only have a little while,
To teach you all that you should learn, each moment help you smile.
I can sit around and tell myself that life just isn't fair,
or use my time to show my love to the ones whose life I share.
So today I'll make an effort to choose the latter one,
To live my life and make you proud until my days are done.

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