Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mama said there'd be days like these

Funny how some days nothing goes right. Today is that day. Nothing huge but so much that I am heading to bed early. Just more evidence you can't save your kids from what they must face alone. You can't fight their battles all of the time. You can't protect them from all wrongs or convince those around them that this is an incredible child that stands before them.  When your babies look at you with those eyes that say make this better mom and you can't. You just can't! I am praying tonight, not for things to go the way I want but for my kids to be strong enough to withstand..I have learned that things hardly ever go your way, not in this family. We are built to be strong and the tests come early!

Some days you can't even convince your builder that he is wrong and you are not spending the next 50 years hating those windows because he won't take the time to figure out how he can make them fit. So he builds them his way and you cry and cry. Then you get mad and call your protector who comes home and says tear them down and do them the way my wife wants. Love that guy!!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Way to go Harlan...He is such a good guy! I'm so glad you have him too! Your home is going to be so beautiful when it is done. I'm so happy for you! Hang in there!