Monday, March 31, 2014

Mixed Reviews

I have been having the hardest time with contradicting teachings at the church. My favorite is God is in control of everything and yet to make me feel better people tell me Loughlin's death was just an accident. Now in my seriously crazed mind those two do not or can not go together. How about the notion that our children are not ours, but we just have stewardship over them, and yet we put a very large belief in Forever Families. If our kids aren't actually ours but on loan from God, what difference does it make if we are Together Forever? Who is supposed to be together? Repentance is another one. But one is not ever actually forgiven in this church. Our only hope is God is greater than our puny little minds and souls.We are asked to pray, yet when what we are praying for doesn't happen we are to believe it was in God's best interest. So if God is in charge what possible reason do you pray. He picks and chooses who lives and who dies. Why are we to believe we can change that? With faith and prayer and fasting? Rubbish

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Recently (in the last few months) I came across an article that helped me with some issue I had. You're right, there are many times when contradictory things are in the scriptures or heard at church. It still comes down to you praying and feeling peace with the answers within yourself, but it's nice to have some of the doubts validated.

I also just read the book A Year Of Biblical Womanhood, where an evangelical blogger goes a year trying to live like women of old. It's a humorous and enlightening journey she travels. One of my favorite quotes/ideas from the book is that "if you don't have a problem with the Bible, then you haven't read it". In a nutshell, if you will find anything you're looking for in it. So, there is pro-women stuff and oppressing-women stuff. Pro-slavery and anti-slavery.

Hugs to you as you continue to press through this journey.