Saturday, June 2, 2012


Have you ever felt fear? Not fear from physical injury but just panic from being told those things you already know.
 If I was to describe myself as an edifice, I would draw you an image of a very old farm house. I have been told I have an old soul. The house would be one that has the shingles and shutters hanging on by one nail. It would be painted a happy color of yellow but now the color so faded as to look like a dingy white. The cobwebs hanging over the covered porch that is missing a few planks and if you are not careful you might find yourself with one foot left behind as you walk. I would talk about the yard that is nothing but weeds and dirt, dying flowers from inattention. The windows are so hard to see through because of the dust and grime that has accumulated over the years. People stop by but leave when they see the house in such disarray and in such shambles. Even ones who knew this house in its better days turn away.
         ......Yet if they would only take a moment to see inside they would know that a candle still shimmers in the darkness. The pictures are still in their frames from happier years. You might find a hot cooked meal on the table. Sometimes laughter could even be heard. You would have to be close to know these things and yet they stay away.
Some try to tear it down. They throw rocks at the windows and say how ugly it is. It is hard to stay standing when the foundation is being chipped away. When termites eat away at the very existence of this once beautiful house. When it falls no one will even notice. Why would they care about a broken down eye sore on the community. I would like to move this house back home but I don't really know where home is. It is not here.

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